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Showing posts from February, 2018

My office is not an evil dungeon!

It makes sense though right? I mean as an assistant principal, the one hat I wear the most is disciplinarian. I can't even count the number of consequences I've handed down for different things this year. When I introduce myself on the phone to a parent, the first thing they say is "what did they do??". When a student comes walking into my office, "am I in trouble?" Obviously my office is the black hole of evil.  The pit into the great unknown of consequence. As a disciplinarian, I can come off as a dragon I'm sure. Firm, fiery and adult-like. Laying down the policies and procedures. I draw the lines between what is allowed and what is not. At the end of the day, however, I shut off the light of my beige fiery dungeon. I hope that I did my best and I move on. I sometimes take my daily decisions home with me. Did I give the right consequences, should I have been more severe or gracious? Then, I wake up and return to the cave of fear and terror and ...