This last week ended one of the best. weeks. ever. It was teacher appreciation!!! With all the twists and turns this year has thrown at my desk, there is one thing that happened this week that has made me smile more than marrying my studly husband... This week, I watched as teachers were loved on and spoiled. I watched countless students jump out of cars in the morning with presents and packages for their beloved teachers and saw the the fabulous hand-made presents that teachers were given beautifully displayed for all to see. It was so awesome to see how a community recognized the talent, skills and tireless work of these amazing teachers. I can not begin to express my thankfulness for each and every teacher that I come in contact with. The thing that happened this year? I realized how much I loved being an educator. I fell in love my junior year of high school, and I'm so grateful I never looked back. As I continue to learn and grow into this role next year, I want to make su...
My random hilarious adventures from the desk of an assistant principal.