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Showing posts from September, 2018

Ain't Learnin' Nuthin'

"I am tired"   One of the most common phrase I hear during the day (second only to "I didn't do it!"). I hear it whether I am talking to students or adults. And tonight, while I'm hoping to sleep soon, I'm curious as to what is keeping us up at night. There are common answers: I can't shut off my brain, cell phones, tvs, worry, etc. All of us can't necessarily pin point why we are so tired. But I do know one thing: if we're not sleeping, we sure ain't learnin' nuthin. In every undergraduate education program across the nation, you learn about many different education theories. One in particular is the idea that when a student learns a new concept, their brain changes to make room for that information, giving them a solid "schematic" for future learning. In a nutshell: It makes your brain a file cabinet and all like experiences stay together and grow together.  But, what happens to our brain when we don't sleep? We...