I'm reminded tonight that Michael Scott can sure relate to the flow in and out of my office recently. I think that's why I still love going to work everyday, it reminds me that although the job we do is stressful, difficult and tiresome, it has a lot of hilarity and randomness. Just look at all the random things that Michael Scott-isms can explain: " Sometimes I'll start a sentence and I just don't know where it is going, I just hope I find it along the way ." This happens to me on a daily basis. Whether it's trying to convince a student that grades are important, or completely reprimanding them for drama...I get tongue tied pretty frequently. Just the other day I was talking with some girls and I started a sentence, and ended it with... "I don't even know what I'm trying to say..." hehe, luckily the girls were already terrified to be in the office in the first place... "I don't want any special treatment, Pam....
My random hilarious adventures from the desk of an assistant principal.