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Ode to a bus driver

As an assistant principal, sometimes certain situations take a whole week or longer to resolve. This was one of those weeks. And this particular situation dealt with a unique classroom of sorts: The School Bus.

I would like to declare to the mountain tops that a bus driver has absolutely the hardest job on the planet. Not only is the bus a moving classroom, it is also the only classroom on the planet where the adult has to manage students who are to be sitting BEHIND them. It's education 101: rarely if ever turn your back on a room full of students. But a bus driver does it every morning and every afternoon. A bus driver drops millions of students off at their homes and schools, and are given executive privilege to literally stop traffic at the push of a button.

A bus driver navigates traffic lights, crazy drivers, texting maniacs and who knows what else trying to get students home safely. Millions of miles are driven in the length of a school year. Hundreds of successful trips to the zoo, or other great field trips and this unsung hero of education shows up everyday and loads the yellow behemoth with a smile.

There are hefty fines involved when a school bus is passed in a school zone (not that I would know from experience or anything...) and a bus driver makes national news when little things go terribly wrong. But through it all, a bus driver continues to assign students seats and build relationships with students on a daily basis. A bus driver is the first person a student sees to begin their school day and the last person they see at the end. A bus driver is the only person who can navigate an enormous vehicle through narrow neighborhood roads and are able to probably leap small buildings in a single bound.

So, to all of the bus drivers that come in contact with millions of students everyday, I say cheers to you and you amazing talents! I can not do my job if it was not for you doing yours so well!
