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Showing posts from September, 2017

These shoes are made for walking

Oh yes, the job of a teacher is not for the faint of heart.   The job of an assistant principal:  is not for the couch potato.  One day last week, this is the story of my day in shoes:                                      Morning Car Drop Off:                                     Mid-Day Meeting:                                                           Afternoon Lunch and Hall Duty:                                                                   ...

Learning a million things at once

All. The. Things. New vocabulary, new tasks, new names, new faces, new procedures, new hallways:  It's almost enough to make you crawl into the fetal position and cry.  When I was asked to become an assistant principal, I had no idea all the new things that would come all at once.  The first week, I was like a deer in headlights. My brain literally shut down and I would come home and it would take me hours to process everything. Finally, I broke.  I said to myself: 'Self!  I can not learn anymore of the things!!!'.  And I turned on FRIENDS and started binge-watching. The next day I went to Walmart and got a notebook.  For those of you who know me, you know that's a HUGE deal.  For those of you who don't:  I have a masters degree in Educational Technology.  I never leave home without at least two electronic devices.  I am a fan of the GAFE, the Twitter, the Boomerang, and the Facebook.  I love using and sharing tech...

Welcome to my awesome life

A month ago, my life changed drastically, professionally.  I became an assistant principal.  Who would have thought in just 30 days, I would be more content and excited about my day to day life than I have ever been.  I didn't know I needed a change, but now that it's here, I'm exactly where I need to be.  I can't wait to share some stories with you, some musings if you will about my new adventure!  Cheers everyone!