All. The. Things.
New vocabulary, new tasks, new names, new faces, new procedures, new hallways: It's almost enough to make you crawl into the fetal position and cry. When I was asked to become an assistant principal, I had no idea all the new things that would come all at once. The first week, I was like a deer in headlights. My brain literally shut down and I would come home and it would take me hours to process everything. Finally, I broke.
I said to myself: 'Self! I can not learn anymore of the things!!!'. And I turned on FRIENDS and started binge-watching.
The next day I went to Walmart and got a notebook. For those of you who know me, you know that's a HUGE deal. For those of you who don't: I have a masters degree in Educational Technology. I never leave home without at least two electronic devices. I am a fan of the GAFE, the Twitter, the Boomerang, and the Facebook. I love using and sharing technology tips and tricks. And, I bought a 99¢ notebook with lines and everything.
As I sat there watching my favorite TV show I realized something: just like Ross couldn't process all the 50 states in one great thanksgiving episode, I was stuck. I needed to go back to my roots. All that technology is well and good, and I plan to continue don't get me wrong. But for new learning, I have to DO and CREATE something.
I have to make lists, outlines, organize facts and figures into sketches, because I learn through pictures and movement. In order to learn, especially new things: I have to be moving or visualize it in a chart or graph. Research leans towards all humans having particular ways that they process new information. There are a gazillion ways to find out how you learn new things, but most educators agree that any one student is a mixture of 2 or 3 learning styles. For me: it's visual and kinesthetic learning. My notebook is to keep my fingers and hands moving. I've been drawing charts and graphs and outlining meetings, and it's made a huge difference in my learning of all the things! Assistant Principally is learning new things quickly, and I have to be learning the way my brain knows how!
What is A.P.-musing about this?? Just because you are an adult, does not mean you stop learning! Reflect on how you learned to be an adult, what tips you learned in college to be successful and apply them to your new adventures! Being true to you and who you are as a learner is what make you effective, efficient and capable of all things new!
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