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Summer Slide

The summer is now in full swing. Students across the country are enjoying water parks, swimming and sprinkler systems. They are watching movies, playing sports and sent off to camps to be "entertained" for the summer.

Millions of  parents by this time are probably thinking: "Is it time for the school year to start again?!"

On the other hand: Educators during the dog days of summer are thinking: "Take a nap?! absolutely I will!"

Summer also comes with one particular question on my mind: what do we do with students over the summer to combat the "Summer Slide"?? The "slide" is considered the academic learning that is lost as students are not in school for a considerable length of time. After spending some time with my sweet nieces and nephews this past couple weeks, I think I have a legitimate answer in one word: EXPLORE!!!

Kids are naturally curious. I watched as all of them, including the 1 year old explored these last weeks and I witnessed all of them wanting to learn how things work. They want to know where bats come from and what causes dogs to try to eat bubbles. They played with toys in a million different ways other than what they were meant for. They also kept asking questions. Constantly.

As I thought over and over this, I came across this article on Summer Slide. If you look at the graphic, 5 of the things listed are related to just exploring the world around them. Explore, learn and grow by doing.

So, the question I pose to you is this: if exploration is so important to combat the Summer Slide, what are you doing to help the little ones around you combat the Summer Slide??!!??

Whether you are a parent ready to send your kid to a year-long school or an educator who refuses to go shopping because school supplies are back on shelves just remember: Children need to explore, ask questions and be curious. Creating those opportunities are the key to enjoying summer both as an adult and as a child!
